How Los Angeles Affordable Housing Development Can Drive Social Change

In the bustling metropolis of Los Angeles, a crucial conversation is unfolding – one that centers around affordable housing and its potential to drive social change.

I'm here to guide you through this transformative landscape. It's not just about constructing buildings; it's about creating thriving, sustainable communities. Join me in exploring how real estate initiatives can catalyze profound societal transformations in Los Angeles and beyond.

The Current State of Affordable Housing in Los Angeles

Los Angeles is grappling with a severe affordable housing shortage. This crisis impacts everyone, from middle-income families to essential workers and young professionals. The challenge extends beyond constructing mere shelters; it's about building communities. Current data paints a stark picture: tens of thousands of units short of meeting the demand, leading to skyrocketing rents and a growing population struggling to find affordable living spaces.

Real estate investment funds, like the FNX Impact Investment Fund, play a pivotal role in addressing this crisis. By channeling resources into affordable housing projects, these funds don't just aim for financial returns; they also target meaningful social impact. These funds have the potential to transform neighborhoods by providing quality, affordable housing, thereby enhancing community well-being and stability.

Social Impacts of Real Estate - Beyond the Numbers

What is Social Change?

We talk a lot about social change, but we often forget its true meaning. In general terms, social change refers to alterations in the systems, structures, and practices that shape life in a community or society. It's an ongoing process historically but has arguably accelerated in modern times. It encompasses various factors:

  • Demographic Shifts: Developed countries have become more ethnically diverse over the past 50 years due to factors like immigration and changing birth rates​​.

  • Changing Roles in Society: There's been a shift from predetermined roles based on class and gender to individuals freely determining their roles. An example is the increasing participation of women in roles historically taken by men, such as in military combat​​.

  • Distribution of Power: Historical power held by aristocratic or military elites has shifted towards entrepreneurs and wealthy families. This shift illustrates the changing nature of power in society​​.

  • Politics and Resource Allocation: Politics, historically centered around economic class, now encompasses identity factors like ethnicity and gender​​.

  • Education: Changing approaches to education, such as standardized testing and shifts towards self-directed research, reflect societal evolution​​.

  • Community Dynamics: Communities, historically formed through automatic memberships like religions and workplaces, are now more flexible and voluntary​​.

  • Technological Advances: Technology has transformed communication, media, work, and leisure, with developments like virtual environments and mixed reality​​.

  • Entrepreneurship: Countries embracing entrepreneurship and risk-taking tend to experience quicker social changes than those favoring stability in traditional employment​​.

  • Urbanization and Lifestyle Changes: The transformation of cities around roads and large suburbs due to automobiles and the reverse trend towards home-based work and living in close proximity to necessities​​.

In recent years, Los Angeles has undergone significant urbanization and lifestyle changes, reshaping its demographic, economic, and social landscape. The county, now home to over 10 million residents, has seen its population grow slower than before, adding 195,404 people in the past decade. This growth, however, has led to increased diversity, with a notable surge in the Asian population by 153,119 residents between 2010 and 2020, while the number of Black residents decreased by 62,510. The county has become wealthier but also older, with the fastest-growing age group being those over 65 years, expanding to 14.1% from 11% in 2010.

Economically, Los Angeles experienced a building and employment boom post-Great Recession, only to face another downturn during the pandemic, with unemployment peaking at 18.2% in April 2020. Despite these economic shifts, home prices have continued to soar, with the median home sale price reaching $791,000.

The urban lifestyle has also seen changes, especially in commuting patterns. The average commute time in the county increased by three minutes from 2010 to 2019, and the number of "super commuters" rose by 42%. Surprisingly, despite investments in public transportation, the percentage of Angelenos using mass transit decreased from 7.2% to 5.7% in this period​​​​​​​​​​.

  • Globalization: The process of interconnecting different places globally, accelerated by advancements in transportation and communication​​.

The impact of real estate development transcends the construction of physical structures. It shapes communities, influences local economies, and alters the social fabric. In Los Angeles, successful affordable housing projects have revitalized neighborhoods, brought stability to families, and fostered a sense of community belonging. These projects exemplify how strategic real estate development can lead to substantial social change.

How does Affordable Housing help?

Affordable housing development in Los Angeles can significantly drive social change by addressing the city's critical housing shortage and impacting economic and social stability. Despite adding over 88,000 units since 2010, only about 9% of these have been affordable to households earning less than the area median income. This shortage of affordable housing depresses the metro area's GDP by more than 2%, equating to $18 billion to $22 billion in lost output annually for the city, and nearly double for LA County. Additionally, 70% of households in Los Angeles would have to stretch financially to obtain a standard-size unit in their current neighborhood. The introduction of $1.2 billion under Proposition HHH and incentives in Measure JJJ has accelerated the development of affordable housing, demonstrating the positive impact such initiatives can have on the community and economy​​.

Investing in Real Estate Funds – A Gateway to Change

Investing in real estate funds is no longer a privilege reserved for the affluent. With the FNX Impact Investment Fund, we've democratized access to this lucrative market. Starting with as little as $500, investors can contribute to meaningful community development. This investment is not just in property; it's an investment in progress, in bettering communities, and in creating a sustainable future for Los Angeles.

Be Part of the Change


Your investment can shape the future of Los Angeles. By investing in real estate funds like FNX, you're not only securing financial returns; you're supporting the creation of inclusive, vibrant communities. I invite you to join us on this transformative journey. Be part of the movement that is reshaping our city's landscape, one investment at a time.

The affordable housing crisis in Los Angeles presents us with a unique opportunity. Through FNX Development, we're not just building houses; we're crafting communities and fostering societal growth. By investing in projects that prioritize affordability and community, we can collectively transform Los Angeles's landscape. Join us in making a difference.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial or investment advice. Please consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

With over 25 years of financial and business development experience, Jason Michaels is a seasoned expert in the world of real estate. His journey began in the insurance and investment banking sectors, where he honed his skills in wealth generation.

In 2007, Jason made a significant impact by orchestrating unsecured financing for a prestigious $120 million international luxury hotel development through London's Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander, marking his entry into the dynamic landscape of real estate.

Over the ensuing decade, Jason delved into multifamily real estate syndications, specializing in value-add projects and pioneering ground-up developments, consistently delivering profits exceeding 20%.

Today, Jason's leadership is driving three ambitious ground-up ventures, totaling 252 units, reflecting his unwavering commitment to progress. What truly sets him apart is his dedication to empowering small-scale investors with promising opportunities. Within FNX Development, Jason champions transparent communication, fiscal benefits, independent analysis, and a cohesive value-add strategy for each project, yielding unambiguous results.


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